Light Gun

Revival of our beloved video game with Computer Vision.

Code and Details
Light Gun

Classic duck hunt with a light gun

Bored in the quarantine period, revisiting my old video games with light gun inspired an idea of light gun with a LCD display , I went on to build it mainly as a android package as it would be more accessable to anyone. Then ended up using a Raspberry Pi as a standalone device to enable it’s use accross many platforms and devices.

The Explanation for the working can be found in


This is the glimpse of the prototype made with Raspberry pi on a toy gun with all the number-munching done on the Raspberry and transmites messages to the local server through bluetooth. The previous method of running the proccessing and the actions is documented in Win-Py directory.

This is a prototype of the light gun with a camera module attached onto a toy-gun and with a Raspberry pi 3 b+ (unneccessary I know) and a 7.4 V li-ion battery, regulated with a buck converter to which two switches are connected on the Raspi's interrupt pins.

This is the display setup with 4 IR-LEDs attached to the corners of the display which makes it very easy for detection in a wide range of lighting conditions.<hr/>

And after Installation the main code using Raspi version or Local version, continue using it according to the guide lines for the same which is present in their respective folders itself.

The Modules then should create a virtual mouse and start following the edge vector of the camera module. The following is a demonstration of it in action…. (:sweat_smile: coming up shortly, as I am fixing few deviation errors.)

Demo Link


Any kind of Contribution is always welcomed. The rules for any Contribution for now is Non existent as I am the only one working on it and I have not really structurized the project so well as mostly in its prototyping stage, So its not possible to do a lot(Anyways feel free to report any errors or bugs :smile: ), Any Idea for a better implementation is also welcomed.


  • This is for getting R and t matrix [link]
  • This is for adjusting focal length (approximation) [link]
  • This is for getting accurate intrensic matrix [link]
  • Cmake
  • Bluez
  • Raspberry pi interupts
  • Asynchronous coding